What types of belts or applications do we convert?
Direct outside drive
More affordable than all current system solutions.
Other manufacturers replacement belts are highly priced in relation to the TwenteSideflex belt.
Low downtime on implementation.
Because the TwenteSideflex belt is easyly exchangable the downtime is very limited.
Eliminate oil use for greasing.
The TwenteSideflex belt is designed in such a way that greasing is not necessary anymore.
Equal to existing outside drive systems.
The TwenteSideflex belt can be used in any spiral system executed with an outside driven belt.
Direct drum drive

Fast change over to the TwenteFlex belt.
Refurbishing takes only a couple of days.
Low downtime on implementation.
Because the TwenteFlex belt is easyly retrofitted, the downtime is very limited.
Create the best line-efficiency.
Due to the very low service needs of the belt, the system is very reliable.
Almost no adaptions to current structure.
The TwenteFlex belt can be adapted to other low-tension spirals with almost no technical changes.
Low tension drive
Equal to existing low-tension systems.
The TwenteFlex belt can be used in any spiral structure.
Low downtime on implementation.
Because the TwenteFlex belt is easyly exchangable the downtime is very limited.
More affordable than all current system solutions.
Other fabricators replacement belts are highly priced in relation to the TwenteFlex belt.
Create the best line-efficiency.
Due to the extreme low service needs of the TwenteFlex belt, the system is very reliable.